Other Möbius-like Models

other Möbius-like models other Möbius-like models other Möbius-like models other Möbius-like models

If you like Möbius strips, try making these models with different parts twisted and taped back together. Try cutting them in two as you would a Möbius strip-cutting each band along the middle line. The results will surprise you. Check out the book by Martin Gardner referenced below to see more types of models you can make.


  • A Möbius strip has one side and one edge. The first model shown (three bands each with a half twist) has two sides and one edge just like a regular piece of paper. However, the unlike a paper's edge, the model's edge is knotted.
  • The next model (one band straight, one band three half twists, the third band two half twists) has one side and two edges. One edge is simple closed curve and the other is knotted. The two edges are linked.
  • The third model (one straight band, one with three half-twists, and the third straight) has the same properties as the second, except that the two edges are not linked.
  • The fourth model (loop split into two bands: one band with a half twist and the other with two half twists) has one side and two edges. Both edges are simple closed curves and they are linked.

